My new book ‘The Self Provisioner’ came out on paperback today. It’s not a book on self sufficiency. Instead it’s a book on how to provide for some of your families needs through the garden, living sustainably and in harmony with nature. Here’s the story of how it came about…

The Self Provisioner – How it All Began

Like most of my good ideas, The Self Provisioner came to me in a hotel room while I was working away from home. I’ve always loved gardening and had started to write more about that on this blog.

neil m white author self provisioner second book
I’ve been passionate about gardening since I was nine years old.

And then I started to think about what my kind of gardening book would look like. I started to write down ideas which formed themselves into The Self Provisioner.

It’s a book about how you can change your thinking about where your food comes from. Can you provide some of your needs by growing or gathering your own food. How would you survive if there wasn’t as much food as there could be.

Self Provisioning and Our Current Times

Right now the COVID-19 Coronavirus pandemic is in full swing and more and more people are thinking about digging for victory in their own ‘Victory Garden’. It makes sense – if food is going to become scarce or expensive, the best solution is to grow it yourself.

I didn’t know this would happen when I wrote this book. But I did know something like what we’re seeing could happen – that our fragile and globally connected supply chain was overstretched and weak. That’s always been my motivation to have the knowledge to grow crops and provide for my family.

the self provisioner book by neil m white
The artwork by Matt Lawrence was meant to capture the WW2 propaganda poster look.

The Self Provisioner by Neil M White is out now.

It’s taken nearly two years to write this book but I hope you’ll agree it’s been worth it. That time has meant I’ve much more gardening experience to pass on. I also took time to read more widely and the book includes a ‘further reading’ section.

I’m also grateful for one of my absolute gardening heroes David the Good having written the foreword. It was his book ‘Grow or Die‘ that reignited my interest in gardening several years ago.

You can buy The Self Provisioner Here:

Amazon (Kindle or Paperback)

About Neil M White

Neil has been writing for a number of years. He has worked as a freelance writer both in the UK and internationally and has worked on a number of high profile media projects. Neil spends his spare time hiking, in the gym or hanging out with his family.

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