In recent weeks, there’s been a series of revelations about people or events connected with one of the biggest media companies in the world – Disney.

Disney, the home of favourites like Donald Duck and Mickey Mouse as well as modern classics such as Aladdin and (dare I say) Frozen, has been caught up in some shady stuff. And its stuff that should alarm a father like me.

If you’re thinking about Disney’s push for feminism, denigration of men and the New Age ideal (JUST BE YOURSELF DAMMIT), then you’re way behind. Time to get with the programme.

What we’re talking about is something much more sinister, much more worrying. But what is it, and how long has it been going on.

I’m going to look at three things that, on the face of it, might not seem that bad or evil. But when we dig a bit deeper, you’ll get a shock.

The James Gunn Controversy

In case you missed it, James Gunn was the writer/director for the third instalment in the Disney series, Guardians of the Galaxy. Gunn has also been involved in the making of a number of movies including the Scooby-Doo series and the original Guardians of the Galaxy.

However recent revelations by citizen journalist Mike Cernovich unmasked something much more sinister in Gunn’s past.

A trawl though his (now deleted) posts on Twitter showed tweet after tweet about child rape, pornography and child abuse. While those supporting Gunn (yes, that happened) dismissed them as ‘jokes’, parents like me don’t really see the funny side.

Ok, Ok, so we give Gunn the benefit of the doubt that actually he just ‘read the room wrong’ and didn’t mean anything by the horrifying things he said publicly on the internet. We could just let it slide as a colossal error of judgement over a period of, say three of four years.

Except that wasn’t the only thing that had alarm bells ringing. Because James Gunn also attended child abuse themed parties complete with women dressed up to be pre-teen schoolgirls. – from

So you’d think he’d get completely shunned by all of Hollywood and other Disney actors right?


WRONG – because up until a before writing this, Guardians star Dave Bautista was threatening to quit the movie if Pedophile Joking, Child Abuse Themed Party Going Gunn wasn’t re-hired. By Disney.

“It’s my Biology, I can’t Help it”

Let’s park the Uber Creepy Gunn for a moment while we go back to High School for the Disney Channel Original remake of Freaky Friday – a movie in which a teenage daughter and mother ‘swap’ bodies and see what it’s like to live life as the other for a day.

Sounds great. Except that this new adaptation includes a song called ‘Biology’ in which the teenage lead sings a duet with a male student:

But that’s cool though, right? I mean its just a bit of fun. I’m sure this line means nothing:

One high, one low – Geddit?

What if we reverse the roles in the movie and it’s a 40 year old father who swapped bodies with his teenage son and he’s sexually attracted to the teenage girl in his son’s class. His adult brain can’t control his teenage parts. That’s a whole load of creepy at best, sinister at worst.

I’m Voting with my Feet (my Wallet

Here’s the thing – Disney depends on us. And by us, I mean Dads. We’re the ones who take our daughters to the movies or buy apparently endless Elsa dolls for them. Or buy the entire collection of Dalmations movies (three I think) and watch them at least 20 times.

But Disney and I are over. No more movies, no more DVDs, merchandise, trips to Disney Land Paris (LOL – yeah right). Over until these bizarre sexual references and creepmeisters are kept away from my kids.

I do everything to protect my kids from harm. I shouldn’t have to protect them from Disney too.


P.S. I believe in strong fatherhood. So much so that I wrote a book on that. So buy it here.

About Neil M White

Neil has been writing for a number of years. He has worked as a freelance writer both in the UK and internationally and has worked on a number of high profile media projects. Neil spends his spare time hiking, in the gym or hanging out with his family.

3 comments add your comment

  1. Creepy as all get-out. I can’t wait for the copyright on Mickey Mouse to finally expire (provided Disney, with all its money, doesn’t buy off anymore politicians to extend the term of the copyright), all its beloved properties to enter the public domain, and hopefully contribute to the company’s downfall.

    • Hi Alex, yes it is all super creepy. O sure you could write it off and say it’s innocent or that you’re reading too much into it. I guess that’s one way of looking at it. Another is ‘no smoke without fire’ and right now there are clouds of thick black stuff billowing out of every corner of Disney (and Hollywood in general).

      • It’s nuts! And we’re expected to give these people the benefit of the doubt over and over again . . .

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