What are the Best Books for Dads: Introducing the Bookshelf

I’ve had a lifelong love of books and the written word. Aged 7 I would spend hours at the public library reading fiction, non fiction and graphic novels (back then they were just called ‘comics’). This love of books has followed me through adult life and into fatherhood. Being a modern Dad is a difficult task and […]

The Myth of Talent: How to Ruin Your Kid’s Education

My early school experience was a bit like living in a totalitarian state. It was a place where free thought and expression was discouraged. Boys like me were subjected to show trials for imaginary misdemeanors that included false witnesses and indefinite detention without charge. The school was run by an abusive bully who used physical […]

Quality Time – Are You Getting it Right?

Picture this: you’ve had a humdinger of a week at work. You got to the office early and left late. A few snatched minutes with your kids was all you managed. You did manage to meet your deadlines and that end of year bonus looks in the bag. But at what price? Then the weekend […]

Why You Should Care About Free Speech – Silenced Movie Review

Silenced: Our War on Free Speech is the brand new movie directed by Loren Feldman and produced by Mike Cernovich. Silenced was filmed and produced after a successful Kickstarter campaign raised over $80,000. Free speech has been a hot topic in 2016 as millions of UK voters decided to leave the European Union (now known […]

What is a Father’s Mission?

Do you see fatherhood like a mission? Is it something you’ve been tasked with? A great quest or adventure that you must solve? I’ve been thinking a lot on the subject of fatherhood and what it all means. How do we approach this epic responsibility in a way that fits with our modern times? I […]

The Joker in the Pack? – Build Size AND Strength with Joker Sets

You’re an experienced lifter who’s been using Jim Wendler’s 5/3/1 for a while. Maybe even a few years. But recently you’ve plateaued. Your strength gains don’t come quickly any more. Some of your lifts are stuck – hovering around your training max like a tempting treat you can never quite reach. You reset your weights […]

Best Socks for Preventing Athlete’s Foot Fungus

What are the best socks for preventing or reducing athlete’s foot? If you suffer from athlete’s foot, you’ll already know it’s not much fun. All that itching and dry, cracked skin. But can your socks made a difference? As a sufferer you know that it can be a tough beast to shake off. Millions of […]