About Neil M White

Neil has been writing for a number of years. He has worked as a freelance writer both in the UK and internationally and has worked on a number of high profile media projects. Neil spends his spare time hiking, in the gym or hanging out with his family.

It’s hard being a writer. Writing is possibly one of the most challenging and potentially soul destroying ways to make your living. You give up your time and your creativity for (often) not very much money and a byline (if you’re lucky). A lot of Dads out there want to make it as a writer. […]

Living in a war zone can be tough. Over the years I’ve been to and lived in some pretty challenging places and environments. Whatever doesn’t kill you makes you stronger, right? But living in some parts of the world can be difficult. The stress of possible unrest – both political and religious – can grate […]

You’ve just changed job or moved house. All your routines are upside down. Even your daily commute needs careful planning. What’s more, you haven’t done any exercise in what feels like years. You need to find a new gym and fast. But how do you begin your search? Is a basic Google search going to […]

Bulk and cut diets seem to be perennially fashionable. Especially if you read the muscle magazines. But is bulk and cut the best way to gain muscle mass or are your really hurting you body and worse; your family? ‘Hey man, I’m bulking’. You’ve heard it before. It’s normally said at the same time as […]

Gorilla Mindset by Mike Cernovich has sold over 20,000 copies in less than a year. It is one of the biggest self publishing hits of this decade. It’s changed the genre forever along with countless men’s lives. Until recently, I’d hardly read a single ‘self help’ book. I read and own a lot of books […]

As a Dad, you are already multi-talented, a jack of all trades and have a fledgling career in children’s entertainment. But are you truly firing on all cylinders. Are there more unusual places you can learn your parenting trade from? Take an Army – a massive organisation with so many different parts, made up of […]

Over the the years I’ve tried a lot of supplements. Some work, some don’t. Some are even banned now. They tended to come under the former category. But what are the three supplements that I would prioritise over other products. These are my favourites and my supplementation hasn’t really changed over the last few years. […]

If you don’t know what burnout is, it probably means you’ve never suffered from it. Imagine a persistent feeling of being overloaded and overwhelmed. A feeling of being unable to escape. You are so busy that you can’t even begin to think about what task you need to do next. The kids are fighting in […]

Last year I overdid it. I was training up to eight times per week with one rest day in fourteen while working two jobs, looking after a toddler and an expectant wife. My weights workouts consisted of hour-long, sweat drenched pain fests. I used to try to make myself cry on leg day. The results […]

There’s something about books. I don’t mean the digital ones downloaded from the Kindle store. I mean paperback, glossy cover, ‘smell the newness’ printed books. My relationship with books started early on. I used to get a small amount of pocket money from the age of about five. If I wanted a new toy or […]