About Neil M White

Neil has been writing for a number of years. He has worked as a freelance writer both in the UK and internationally and has worked on a number of high profile media projects. Neil spends his spare time hiking, in the gym or hanging out with his family.

The cover design for my new book on fatherhood – A Father’s Mission – is now complete. The cover to encapsulates both what the book is about as well as capturing my own identity and passion of the outdoors as well as personal improvement and development of the family. That’s why I loved the idea […]

How do you create better memories for you and your family? Imagine if there was a way that anything you did was instantly burned into your memory as something positive. You’d quickly build up a library of moments that you could treasure for ever. But the problem is this: you don’t really have much – […]

How do you make money from a website in your free time? That’s a question I get asked a lot. And it’s important – here’s why: Living is expensive, especially when you have kids. Any extra income is welcome. There aren’t many people out there who would turn down the chance to make a bit […]

What is the secret to a good marriage or relationship? In a time when 50% of marriages fail, it looks like we need some help. Funny how a lot of people who have never been married claim to know what makes a good marriage. Or worse, they carry a string of broken relationships with them […]

What is a father’s mission in our modern age? As our world becomes more connected, more turbulent and more violent – is the role of the father under threat? I’m writing these words on the evening of the London Parliament terror attacks. The stability and relative peace that our own fathers enjoyed is coming to […]

If you want to plant a fig tree in the ground there is something you should know: fig trees like to have their roots restricted. Often you’ll see figs grown in pots which is a great way to restrict growth. But what if you want to plant a fig tree in the ground? Fig (Ficus […]