October 2015

Gorilla Mindset by Mike Cernovich has sold over 20,000 copies in less than a year. It is one of the biggest self publishing hits of this decade. It’s changed the genre forever along with countless men’s lives. Until recently, I’d hardly read a single ‘self help’ book. I read and own a lot of books […]

As a Dad, you are already multi-talented, a jack of all trades and have a fledgling career in children’s entertainment. But are you truly firing on all cylinders. Are there more unusual places you can learn your parenting trade from? Take an Army – a massive organisation with so many different parts, made up of […]

Over the the years I’ve tried a lot of supplements. Some work, some don’t. Some are even banned now. They tended to come under the former category. But what are the three supplements that I would prioritise over other products. These are my favourites and my supplementation hasn’t really changed over the last few years. […]

If you don’t know what burnout is, it probably means you’ve never suffered from it. Imagine a persistent feeling of being overloaded and overwhelmed. A feeling of being unable to escape. You are so busy that you can’t even begin to think about what task you need to do next. The kids are fighting in […]

Last year I overdid it. I was training up to eight times per week with one rest day in fourteen while working two jobs, looking after a toddler and an expectant wife. My weights workouts consisted of hour-long, sweat drenched pain fests. I used to try to make myself cry on leg day. The results […]

There’s something about books. I don’t mean the digital ones downloaded from the Kindle store. I mean paperback, glossy cover, ‘smell the newness’ printed books. My relationship with books started early on. I used to get a small amount of pocket money from the age of about five. If I wanted a new toy or […]