Are You Preparing Your Son for Life?

Are we preparing our sons for life? When the time comes for them to become men, will they be ready go out and conquer the world? Will they be able to live life with passion, strength and discipline. Think about what your biggest fear is for your son’s future:  Are you worried that he’ll die […]

Do We Have the Knowledge to Rebuild From Scratch?

We live in uncertain times: Economic insecurity, rise of international terrorism, the nuclear arms race – all of which pose a potential threat to the thin threads keeping our civilisation together. Reading Howard K. Bloom’s The Lucifer Principle: A Scientific Expedition into the Forces of History is sobering. He lists off the civilisations that have […]

How to Make Microwave Scrambled Eggs

I love scrambled eggs. If I was limited to one food forever, scrambled eggs would be up there. What I don’t like is mess: scrubbing the pan for ages with little bits of burnt egg all encrusted onto the bottom. There has to be a better way. And there is. Now I make scrambled eggs […]

Dads – Time to Ditch the Victim Mindset

There’s a growing trend in our current times: Everyone sees themselves as a victim. This has crossed over into modern thinking for Dads too. A few minutes on Twitter or even speaking to other Dads tells me everything I need to know: Dads have embraced a victim mindset. This is worrying at a time when the […]

Best Assistance Exercises for 5/3/1: The Pump

When you train using Jim Wendler’s 5/3/1 programme, you’ll be looking to add in assistance exercises. Assistance exercises (particularly for 531) have two main functions: To work on weak points such as grip or to fix muscle imbalances. Or for plain old muscle growth. But what are the best assistance exercises for 531 if you […]

How to Walk on Fire (And Not Get Burned)

Fire walking has been around for centuries. Many cultures practice fire walking to show commitment, communicate with the spirit world or as an outward sign of overcoming fear. Recently, a fire walk event organised by motivational speaker Tony Robbins left a number of people with injuries. I’ve had a very different (and positive experience) with […]

How Dads can Reduce Stress with Wim Hof

The InnerFire app by Wim Hof gives any Dad the tools required to overcome daily stressful situations as well as delivering relaxation, resilience to cold and improved flexibility. But how does he do it, and is the InnerFire app worth investing in? Being a Dad in modern times means taking on an extra load of […]

Do Your Hands Tell a Story?

Do your hands tell a story? What I mean is this: What can other people tell about you just by looking at your hands? It’s a strange thought isn’t it? When I read Joe Navarro’s seminal book on body language (read my review here), I was struck by how much human expression and communication is […]