
15 Things You Shouldn’t Be Doing Anymore

I can pretty much put my finger on the point at which I realised I was growing up. I was half way through running a Parkrun 5k soon after my wife and I had decided to start a family. It was one of the first true acts of selflessness that I had experienced. As I […]

Up Your Twitter Game And Grow Your Audience

I recently wrote about how to get to 1000 followers on Twitter (I’ve done it a few times now). That post was pretty high level and I’ve had great feedback from readers wanting a more in depth analysis of the Twitter game. I’ve also been checking out Ed Latimore’s post on a similar subject. Ed’s […]

10 Lessons from a Year of Gorilla Mindset: Part 1

As I write this, it’s just over a year to the day that I bought the book Gorilla Mindset. And what a year it’s been. It’s only right that I do a summary of what I’ve learned since buying Gorilla Mindset as well as looking to the future. Keep reading to find out more. First […]

Dads – Time to Ditch the Victim Mindset

There’s a growing trend in our current times: Everyone sees themselves as a victim. This has crossed over into modern thinking for Dads too. A few minutes on Twitter or even speaking to other Dads tells me everything I need to know: Dads have embraced a victim mindset. This is worrying at a time when the […]

How to Walk on Fire (And Not Get Burned)

Fire walking has been around for centuries. Many cultures practice fire walking to show commitment, communicate with the spirit world or as an outward sign of overcoming fear. Recently, a fire walk event organised by motivational speaker Tony Robbins left a number of people with injuries. I’ve had a very different (and positive experience) with […]

How Dads can Reduce Stress with Wim Hof

The InnerFire app by Wim Hof gives any Dad the tools required to overcome daily stressful situations as well as delivering relaxation, resilience to cold and improved flexibility. But how does he do it, and is the InnerFire app worth investing in? Being a Dad in modern times means taking on an extra load of […]

Do Your Hands Tell a Story?

Do your hands tell a story? What I mean is this: What can other people tell about you just by looking at your hands? It’s a strange thought isn’t it? When I read Joe Navarro’s seminal book on body language (read my review here), I was struck by how much human expression and communication is […]

How Classical Literature Makes You A Better Dad

Neil says: Classical literature – I love it. As a boy I spent hours pouring over books on Greek, Roman and Norse mythology. As I grew older I read more: Tolstoy, Dostoevsky, Shakespeare and Conrad. The biggest influencer on me? My Dad. He had shelves of classics in the house. That’s why I jumped at […]

How to Get 1000 Followers on Twitter

If you have a message that you want to share with the world, Twitter is a great place to start. With just 140 characters, you can say what’s on your mind as well as linking to other users, websites and so much more. But did you know that the average Twitter user has less than […]

How to Beat Self Destructive Drinking

I left University with more than a degree. I also left with a drink problem. It started with occasional nights out and quickly escalated into week long binges where I was drunk or hungover more than I was sober. A few times I made myself really ill. Other times I blacked out and had no […]