
Best Socks for Preventing Athlete’s Foot Fungus

What are the best socks for preventing or reducing athlete’s foot? If you suffer from athlete’s foot, you’ll already know it’s not much fun. All that itching and dry, cracked skin. But can your socks made a difference? As a sufferer you know that it can be a tough beast to shake off. Millions of […]

Surviving and Thriving in the Office Cubicle

The year is 2016 – millions of us work in offices. Hours spent looking at backlit computer screens under artificial lights. We no longer work in buildings. Instead we exist in steel and glass containers. And there is a price to pay for all this office time. More than half of all workers are unhappy. […]

5 Simple Ways to Make Your Blog Better Than it Already Is

How do you make your blog better? That’s something I’m constantly thinking about. I wrote in a previous post about how I see my website as a product that I constantly want to improve and build so that you, the customer, has the best experience possible. Until now, I’ve stayed away from ‘How to blog’ […]

Master the Dad Nap In Three Easy Steps

Everyone wants to have better naps. But how does your nap game match up? Are you a Snoring Suzie or a Wakeful Waldo? Here’s the rub: being a Dad is tough. Not only are you working your butt off supporting your family, you’re also taking care of  your finances, your kids and your partner or […]

How to Succeed Without Setting Goals

How to Fail at Almost Everything and Still Win Big by Scott Adams was released in 2013. Since then I’ve read a lot of excellent reviews of the book. But one thing has struck me – how different each review is. How every single person I know who has ready Adams’ book took something unique […]

10 Lessons from a Year of Gorilla Mindset – Part 2

This is the second part of a two part series looking at a year of Gorilla Mindset by Mike Cernovich (read part 1 here). In case this is the first post you’re reading on my site, I write about Gorilla Mindset A LOT. And for good reason. It was the catalyst for one of the […]

How Reading Good Men Project Lowered my Testosterone

Low testosterone levels being brought on by reading websites like Good Men Project are no joke. I’ve suffered at the hands of male hormone altering blog content and it was tough. But I came out the other side a stronger and better version of myself. Here’s my story. A few years ago I was in […]