This Dad Does is now a year old. This is also my 104th post which means I hit my one year target of averaging  2 posts a week. It’s been hard work but worth it as I’ve seen a hardcore and engaged group of young men and Dads join me on the journey.

When This Dad Does hit the 6 month mark, I wrote something a little controversial. You may even say it was ‘off beam’.

And the 1 year mark is no different. I’m going to answer a question I get asked either directly or indirectly: Is This Dad Does ‘Red Pill’?

What Exactly does Red Pill Mean?

Reddit threads and dedicated blog posts aside, the Red Pill means different things to different people.

Those who would align them selves to the Reddit style of ‘Red Pill’ focus particularly on male interaction and relationships with women.

Here’s the thing – I haven’t been on Reddit for about 6 years other than to do a bit of research for this post. I don’t see TDD as the Reddit definition of ‘Red Pill for Dads’ – there are blogs that fit that description a lot better than mine.

This is my story: I watched ‘The Matrix’ when it came out in cinemas. And I’d long used the red pill analogy to describe realising undiscovered truths in my own life.

(In the 1999 movie, the main character is given the choice of a red or blue pill. He chooses red which brings him face to face with the unpalatable but very real truth.)

Since then my life has been a long voyage of Red Pill discovery, from youth right up to the present day.

this dad does working in east africa

But How Can You be Red Pill in Your Own Way?

Everyone who ends up ‘woke’ arrives there by a different path. Woke means different things to different people but here’s what is means to me:

It means realising that 90% of what I ‘know’ I’ve learned from a state education, 2 University courses and a lifetime of consuming TV news  programmes and papers.

It means realising that my culture has it’s knives sharpened for the role of men in the family. It’s been building for years.

It means understanding that those who are sworn to protect me and my family may not have the best of intentions.

Dark forces are continuing to align. We see this with the normalisation of pedophilia, the removal of the male gender and the ridicule and fear of the father’s role in the family.

Red Pill means being alert to this construct that is being built around us. To break us down and make us believe whatever the world wants us to believe.

How has this happened? Are we being oppressed?

Or are we being distracted?

Think about it: right now you have access to more pornography, more processed food and more leisure activities than you could possibly hope to consume in a lifetime.

The food is cheap.

The porn is free.

I’ve written about this before but it bears repeating. Is the sheer availability and affordability of these things a coincidence?

Let’s take a step back and assume that I’m a conspiracy theorist (and not a particularly good one at that). Then all of what we see in the world today is just a coincidence – a by-product of a culture developing and maturing.

That would mean that the unlimited availability of pornography and alcohol is a coincidence. While:

Men can’t get hormone replacement therapy without begging or paying for it.

Everything that keeps you slow, torpid and happy is legal, unregulated or both.

Everything that improves your performance physically, mentally and spiritually is controlled. Or banned.

Even women can’t get HRT in this country because the medical establishment has deemed it ‘unsafe’.

But that’s coincidence right?

At the moment, I’m reading a book by French author Anna Erelle about how ISIS recruits young girls to travel to Syria to become wives for it’s fighters.

She reveals that ISIS have a targeted and persuasive campaign of reaching out to vulnerable, sexually active girls as young as 13 or 14 before luring them to make the journey from Europe to Syria.

But the media doesn’t report this – it just doesn’t fit with the narrative. After all, if we’re focused on the ‘refugee crisis, we can’t be thinking about Islamic State as the largest paedophile ring in the world.

Why are there forces that don’t want us to know these truths? Are they benign?

ISIS recruitment and the media cover up

Are Fathers Immune from the Slow Creep of Cultural Decline?

Then comes fatherhood.

If you want to know the kind of father your culture wants you to be, look at how they are portrayed in media and on television shows.

Here’s how it goes:

You have a kid and guess what? That’s it. That is the end of your identity as a man. Now you need to aspire to be the sexless parent. You carry your child in a sling that mimics a prosthetic womb, get fat and become a Stay At Home Dad while your wife power dresses and goes out to work a 60 hour week.

It’s not ideal, but at least you’re fulfilling your role as a modern father. And if you need some kind of objective, you could start a vapid Dad Blog and sell useless baby related crap to anyone who reads your latest sponsored post.

But if that doesn’t work for you, there is an alternative.

It’s what I call The Homer Simpson Effect.

It goes like this: get a dead end job, acquire maximum debt, live an unhealthy lifestyle, drink beer and watch Netflix in your free time. And ultimately die early.

This lifestyle is actively promoted by our culture. Look for the signs – ‘novelty’ Father’s day gifts and t-shirts, TV shows with Homer Simpson type characters on repeat. Coincidence?

Unless you’re alert to it, you’ve probably never even thought about it. But if you’ve swallowed the Red Pill, you have.

This Dad Does, Red Pills and the Answer?

As modern Dads there are a number of different paths we can choose.

You can choose to accept that this is the way things are these days. Plus, being overweight isn’t all that bad – you get to sit around A LOT and eat pretty much whatever you want, when you want.

Your life will be short and unhappy but at least you won’t need to think about such terrible things as ‘cultural decline’ and the ‘erosion of paternal identity’. You take your blue pill and swill it down with an XXL slushie and a king size bag of M&Ms.

Or you could choose to be outraged. When I wrote this post, there was full blown outrage that spanned the globe. I even had mothers in India telling me they were disgusted by what it represented. The problem with outrage and protest is that it doesn’t change anything. You’ll just spend a lot of energy achieving not very much.

Finally (and this is my preference) you can choose to be in control. You have immense ability to control nearly every aspect of your life and your children’s upbringing. As the Father to your kids, you have the opportunity to not only take control of your life, but influence the future generation.

Worried about getting sacked for ‘Wrong Think’? Leverage out of that job or to a financial situation where getting fired becomes less of an issue.

Concerned about societal breakdown (we’re talking Fall of Rome here)? Be prepared.

Perturbed by the availability of alcohol, porn and carbs? Steer clear. Or limit your intake.

Realising that a western education does your kids more harm than good? Educate them yourself.

That’s why ultimately this is a positive post and I always want This Dad Does to be a positive blog. Because we live in a time of opportunity and resources unknown to our Fathers’ generation. It’s our responsibility to use these resources wisely. To protect our own and always be prepared.

So yes, This Dad Does is a Red Pill blog, though you won’t find any advice on how to pick up women on here. But I will point you towards truth and show you how you can take responsibility as a father to be the difference. Many Dads don’t want to stand up and be counted.

But this Dad does.


P.S. If you think this post was compelling and engaging, you should see my emails.





About Neil M White

Neil has been writing for a number of years. He has worked as a freelance writer both in the UK and internationally and has worked on a number of high profile media projects. Neil spends his spare time hiking, in the gym or hanging out with his family.

16 comments add your comment

  1. Congratulations on your first year, I just discovered you a couple of weeks ago but this post is re-assuring for me that we, as fathers, must unite to stop this nonsense for the sake of our children. I’ll be starting my fatherhood blog soon, I’d love to have your feedback when it launches.

    • Hi Jorge, thanks for commenting and reading. I’m glad you enjoyed the post. I’m looking forward to reading your blog when it’s live. It will be good to have another voice to those of us already speaking the truth about modern fatherhood.

  2. Thanks for the link.

    I think of myself as a traditonalist. To me, “the Red Pill” just means a willingness to see the way the world actually works instead of buying into the comforting untruths we are constantly sold.

    • Dean, thanks for your comment. I really enjoyed what you’d written and so I’m glad you liked my perspective. I know what you mean about ‘comforting untruths’. So much of what we’re sold from childhood to adulthood is false.

  3. Neil, takes me back to that superb scene in Boyz n’ the Hood where Furteus, aka Larry Fishburn, explains how the prevalence of gun and liquor stores in a predominantly black neighbourhood is white society’s way of getting them to destroy themselves.

    Like what you are saying about a red pill outlook. Its a handy way to encapsulate (see what I did there) the need to control your own destiny. Too many folk out there think that they are making a difference by sharing an image of that wee boy who washed up on the beach in Lesbos or by ‘liking’ some pointless meme about saving the planet or redistributing wealth.

    Huge congrats on your first year of TDD. I remember when you first told me you were planning this site and what it what it was going to be about. Well, its just what you said it would be and I have drawn much inspiration from it. Cheers mate, T

    • Tom, thanks for the comment. You really have been there from the beginning! Also good red pill pun. Also good points about what it means to be in control – being outraged just doesn’t cut it. If we want change, we need to act. Starting with ourselves.

  4. Congratulations,
    Great post echoing alot of my own thoughts, and many others I’d think, but expressed much more clearly than the jumbled haywire between my ears!
    I’ll have a look through the links too.
    “The next generation”,occupies alot of my thinking and effort these days.

  5. Well done Neil – been great to follow along thus far.

    Whilst I could write many things for me being “woke” has been coming to the realisation that our society rarely promotes what is good (booze/porn/debt/status seeking/being a victim etc.) for us whilst encouraging us to eschew ownership and responsibility in our lives.

    • Thanks man. That’s a great perspective to have – to refuse to be a victim and take responsibility. I feel like a lot of guys are waking up to this now which is exciting to be part of that journey.

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